Test Designing Techniques

Boundary Value Analysis

Boundary Value Analysis is testing inputs at the boundaries. By testing boundary values, we can reduce the chances of occurring error at initial stages.

Example Scenario :

Assume that there is a comment section on an application which we can enter characters only up to 30 characters.

We can test character length at the boundaries.

  • TestCase01 – Verify character length with less than 30 characters.
  • TestCase02 – Verify character length with 30 characters.
  • TestCase03 – Verify character length with more than 30 characters.

Equivalence Partitioning

Equivalence Partitioning is dividing the input data into partitions of equivalent data. Here, this technique can be used to reduce the number of tests.

Example Scenario :


Decision Tables

Decision Table technique is based on different conditions that we can identify for a scenario.

Example Scenario :





UI Automation

**Disclaimer – As a Trainee Quality Assurance Engineer , I am sharing some of my knowledge I got from training sessions. Feel free to add your knowledge regarding UI Automation. 🙂

This publication is based on Selenium Web Driver .

  • Section 1 – Installing Maven on Windows
    • Configuring Windows Environment variables
      • Jdk and JAVA_HOME
      • Install Apache Maven
      • M2_HOME and MAVEN_HOME
      • Add Path
      • Verify Apache Maven Installation
  • Section 2- Installing Eclipse Neon IDE
    • Install Eclipse Neon IDE
  • Section 3- Creating a Maven Project
    • Instructions
    • Hierarchy of the project
    • Adding Dependencies
  • Section 4 – Changing default Java Version on Maven project
    • Default JRE s
  • Section 5 – Run the created Maven Project
    • Maven clean
    • Maven install
    • If Build failure message displays after Maven Install
  • Section 6 – GekoDriver

Section 1- Installing Maven on Windows

Below instructions are based on,

  • jdk 1.8.0
  • Maven 3.3.9
  • Eclipse Neon

Configuring Windows Environment variables

1) Jdk and JAVA_HOME

  1. Make sure that Jdk is installed to your machine or not
    • If jdk is already installed, Verify the version.
  2. Open up Command prompt
  3. Enter command—>java -version
  4. Press enter
  5. Output—->


  • If jdk is not installed,
  1. Install jdk to your machine.

Ref : https://www3.ntu.edu.sg/home/ehchua/programming/howto/JDK_Howto.html

Add JAVA_HOME variable as a Windows Environment Variable 

  1. Right click on This PC -> Select Properties


  1. Click on Advanced System Settings

  2. Click on Advanced Column

  3. Click on Environment variables

  4. Click on “new” button which is under System Variables

  5. Create JAVA_HOME variable and Copy and paste jdk path from the relevant folder in your machine.


  1. Click on ‘OK’ button in New System Variable

  2. Click on ‘OK’ on in Environment Variable GUI


Jdk path

2) Install Apache Maven

First of all download and copy MAVEN zip file and Eclipse Neon folder from the given url  and Paste it in a newly created folder in your desktop.

  • Url:- https://maven.apache.org/download.cgi?Preferred=ftp%3A%2F%2Fmirror.reverse.net%2Fpub%2Fapache%2F
  • Url : https://www.eclipse.org/neon/

Copy downloaded folders:- [Your downloads ]

  • apache-maven-3.3.9-bin
  • eclipse-inst-win64
  1. Unzip Apache Maven zip folder
  2. Open up the unzip folder
  3. Assume that you unzip to this folder->


3) Add M2_HOME and MAVEN_HOME variables as Windows Environment variables

What is the purpose of adding M2_HOME and MAVEN_HOME variables when installing Apache Maven?

  • The purpose for adding those variables as windows variables is to point to to the Maven Project that unzipped earlier in the process.

[Same steps of instructions when adding JAVA_HOME variable include in both M2_HOME and MAVEN_HOME ]

  1. Add M2_HOME variable :

  1. Click on ‘new’ button on System Variables in Environment Variables.


  1. Click on “OK” button in New System Variable.

2. Add MAVEN_HOME variable

  1. Click on ‘new’ button on System Variables in Environment Variables.


  1. Click on ‘OK’ button in New System Variable

  2. Click on ‘OK’ on in Environment Variable GUI

Note:- Adding M2_HOME variable is enough to point to the Maven Project that unzipped earlier but some programs still reference Maven folder with MAVEN_HOME variable. Therefore, it is safer to add both variables at this point itself.

4) Add PATH

  • Here, we do not add a new Path variable to do this step because Path variable is already existing in System   variables in Environment variables. Instead of adding , Maven Bin Folder append can be done by updating the existing Path variable.

To append Maven Bin Folder-  %M2_HOME%\bin

  1. Select the existing Path variable in System variable section in Environment Variable.
  2. Click on ‘Edit’ button


Existing Path variable :-

C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath;%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Phone\

Update the Path variable:-

C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath;%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;%M2_HOME%\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Phone\

  1. Add a comma after an existing comma
  2. Add %%
  3. Add M2_HOME variable name in between %%
  4. After the back % , put a backslash[\]
  5. Then enter ‘bin’
  6. Click on “OK” button
  7. Click on “OK” again
  8. Click on “Apply” button on System Properties
  9. Click on “OK” button

Once the process is completed correctly up to this point, Apache Maven should installed successfully.

5) Verification

  • To verify Maven installation and version [2]
  1. Open up Command prompt
  2. Enter command—>mvn – version
  3. Press enter
  4. Output—->


Section 2- Installing Eclipse Neon IDE

1.Double click on Eclipse installer

Take the previously downloaded Eclipse setup.


  1. Select Eclipse IDE FOR Java EE Developers


3. Click on Install

4. Once the installation is done, Launch Eclipse .

5. Then , a workplace has to give before working on Eclipse IDE


6. Click on “OK”

Section 3 – Creating a Maven Project

Instructions :

  1. Right click on the space
  2. Select ‘New’
  3. Select ‘Other’


  1. Select Maven Folder

  2. Click on Maven Project


  1. Uncheck “Create a simple project (skip archetype selection) “

  2. Click on “Next”


  1. Search the keyword “quick” and filter out Artifacts from the result list.

  2. Select the artifact -> maven-archetype-quick start

10, Select “Next”


  1. After that, Archetype parameter has to be specified.


  • Group ID –
  • Artifact ID –
  • Version –
  1. Click on “Finish”

Hierarchy of the project

Once the above steps are done successfully, The project hierarchy can be seen as below.


Adding Dependencies

  • Certain dependencies need to work on a Selenium Project. Therefore, the below dependencies are added on pom.xml file.









<!– https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.apache.maven.plugins/maven-dependency-plugin –>













Section 4 – Changing default Java Version on Maven project

  • If java version is incompatible with the java version which is installed in your machine. Do the changes as below.
  1. Right Click on ‘JRE System Library ‘
  2. Select Build Path
  3. Select configure Build Path


  1. Select ‘Add Library’

  2. Select JRE System Library


  1. Select Workspace default JRE

  2. Click on “Finish”


Default JRE s


  1. Click on ‘Apply’

  2. Click on ‘OK’

Section 5 – Run the created Maven Project

  1. Right Click on the project
  2. Select Run as
  3. First Select Maven clean

244. Then select Maven install


If Build failure message displays after Maven Install

  • Go to Windows tab
  • Select Preferences


  • Check whether the compiler compliance level is compatible with java version installed.

[1.8 is checked according to this report]

  1. Select Java on left side bar
  2. Click on Compiler


If the compiler compliance level is equivalent to java version installed, Then check whether JRE path is set correctly.

  1. Check whether JRE Home has the correct path
  2. Select Java on left side bar
  3. Click on Installed JRE s
  4. Double Click on the result


  1. Check whether the path is correct on JRE HOME

  2. If not, Select directory and choose the correct path


  1. Choose the correct jdk path


7.Click on ‘OK’

Section 6 – GekoDriver



 [2]”How to install Maven on Windows”, Mkyong.com, 2017. [Online]. Available: https://www.mkyong.com/maven/how-to-install-maven-in-windows/. [Accessed: 22- Sep- 2017].




Introduction to Economics

*Hi,feel free to share your knowledge related to The Introduction to Economics 🙂

1)Why we need to know Economics and Management as IT Professionals?

  • When we take IT professionals,we are a small part in a large economy.
  • We might be entrepreneurs who are running IT firms in the future.
  • We might work in non-IT firms where we have to offer IT solutions to various business problems.
  • We might need to rise up the corporate ladder up to the highest level of management where strategic decisions are made.

2)How are we use this knowledge?

Continue reading “Introduction to Economics”

Software Processes

*Hi, feel free to share your ideas and knowledge related to the software processes  🙂 

1)What is a process?

  • A series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular end.

2)What  is a software process?

  • A structured set of activities required to develop a software system.

3)Why we need a software process?

  • Because it helps the developers to understand better about what they are doing and also it helps managers to make more accurate predictions about how long a project will take and planning the resources allocation.

4)What are the activities involved in software development?

Continue reading “Software Processes”

Introduction to Software Engineering and Ethics.

Hi, feel free to share your ideas and knowledge related to the software processes  🙂 

1)What is Software quality?

  • The degree to which a system,component or process meets specified requirements.

2)What is Ethics?

  • Moral responsibility to do the right thing.
  • Meaning—> Ethics is concerned with what is good for individuals and society.

3)What is Engineering?

Continue reading “Introduction to Software Engineering and Ethics.”